I am trying out a new method for creating my images. I paint the usual under painting with odd colors. Instead of continuing with the next layer of paint, I pasted a layer of black paper on top. From there I projected the image on top of the paper and traced it out with white paint. This created a photo negative effect, one that I believe alludes to the inversion of the world in its current state. Things feel upside down and inside out. This layer is one of many that I plan to create with this new method, creating a system of metaphors and meaning.
Once the black and white layer was completed, I tore away pieces to reveal the under painting. It creates a dynamic composition. Once the paper was torn, I added more white to areas to incorporate the two layers more smoothly. The next step is pasting book pages over this. Hopefully the pages tear as smoothly as the black paper. I think this painting has been very successful so far.